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2U 19” Rack AC-DC 360AS коммутациялык dc125v электр булагы 1500w сыртта суу өткөрбөйт
Көбүрөөк сүрөттөрдү көрүңүз

Modular rectifier System is a modular Extra-able power system based on building blocks for both 19 inch system solutions.

It is consist of Rectifier module & Control Monitor & 19’’framework.

Продукт чоо-жайы
Азыр сура
2U 19'' Rack AC-DC 360AS коммутациялык dc125v электр булагы 1500w Сыртта суу өткөрбөйт


Modular rectifier System is a modular Extra-able power system based on building blocks for both 19 inch system solutions.

It is consist of Rectifier module & Control Monitor & 19’’framework.

This rectifier system 90~290 Vac Single phase AC supply voltages into stable nominal 110VDC voltage adjustable to the needs of the application.

All versions provide options for alarming and battery temperature probes.

Өзгөчөлүктөрү :

1. Hot swappable type operation;
2. Each individual rectifier module can be capable of operating independently;
3 .AC /DC distribution system for AC input/ DC output distribution and protection;
4 .Protections: short road, over load, батарейканын ашыкча/төмөн чыңалуудан коргоо.

Бизге билдирүүңүздү жөнөтүңүз:
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